Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Second Verse - Same as the First?

Here we are - well into January of the new year, and yet, it feels much like the year past. Ugh. Well, we'll just have to work towards better.

My sewing mojo is rather low these days. A combination of having enough for the current season, and not being inspired to think ahead to Spring I suspect. I do have two small completions though.

Yes, another beret . I do like the style, and I had this idea floating around in my head for a while. I had purchased some wool knit (many moons ago) but didn't get around to sewing it up before some nasty critters  made a few tiny holes in the fabric. I was determined not to lose all of the fabric, so I subjected it to some serious felting action and ended up with yardage that would be suitable for a hat. And then I put it aside. Many more moons passed, and I found it when doing some fabric reorganization and thought it had waited long enough. While a navy felted wool beret is a nice thing all on its own, I decided to give it a bit of glitz and sewed a scattering of tiny faux pearls to the outer shell. It's lined in self fabric to add a little more body and the hem is faced with some lovely silk satin ribbon from Etsy seller SewVintagely.

And lastly, a mini-project - a fat quarter's worth of lavender sachets sewn up to give with some gift alpaca scarves and to toss into my yarn containers. The fabric is a "Dick and Jane" print that  I bought for some unknown reason - nostalgia for the reading primers of my youth? Who knows? It was there in stash and handy for the project.