Saturday, June 22, 2024

Minor alterations

 My sight is improving, but I’m still limiting my sewing to very basic projects. I have been able to (finally) have a prescription exam done so that I can get a new pair of glasses to serve during the interim between operations — still don’t know when my right eye will be scheduled.

At any rate, I’ve been catching up with minor repairs and alterations. I had made a jean jacket from a lighter weight home dec fabric a while back, and it didn’t get worn very much. Probably it was a bit light for cooler weather and too warm for hotter weather. I saw a cute jean jacket in a catalog that had short sleeves and decided I’d try that. Sleeves were not really tapered, so it was easy enough to lop off the extra fabric and do a machine hem — they are hemmed to just slightly above my elbows. I like how it turned out, and hope to be able to finish up a yellow tank I was machine knitting to wear underneath at some time soon.

Hopefully it will receive more wear with its new look. Not this week though — we’re hovering around 94F (34-ish C) at the moment, and even light layers are too much.

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